The reviewer, Peter Pierce, describes the anthology as "One of the most enterprising, unusual and rewarding anthologies of the past year" and goes on to say:
The Stars Like Sand shows us, in the work of the more than 80 poets included, much of that illimitable dark, as well as the flights of fancy and hope that can give brief and brilliant illumination. Seek out this book – admirable, and one of a kind.As you may imagine, I am very pleased with such a glowing review in a major newspaper!
If you'd like to buy a copy of The Stars Like Sand, you have several options. You can buy it (the links work fine):
- from the publisher (paperback and ebook):…
- from (paperback and ebook)…/…/
- from (ebook):…/…/
(New Zealanders, if you'd like a copy and are having trouble getting one, please contact me: senjmito at gmail dot com)
Try it - I think you'll like it!