25 May 2014

We Interrupt This Hiatus For A Publication Announcement

While I'm still training a couple of dragons and therefore not quite ready to resume posting regularly, I couldn't pass up the chance to let you know that The Stars Like Sand: Australian Speculative Poetry, the anthology that I have co-edited with P.S. Cottier, by has now been officially published, and I have recently received an early copy. (Penelope has lots of info about the book up on her blog - such as who is in it!)

You can buy the book as a paperback or ebook from the publisher or from Amazon.

Here's the Facebook event for the Melbourne launch on Friday 6 June: https://www.facebook.com/events/1502760696619431/ - all Melbournites and visitors welcome!

(Note to authors: we'll be posting out author copies after the Melbourne and Canberra launches next month.)

I should also mention a couple of recent short story collections I have stories in:

... and I'm pleased to say that I have a story appearing in the next issue of JAAM as well.

Normal hiatus will now be resumed, for another month or so - and then I might get around to put a fresh lick of paint on this dear old blog.