- No time to read? Go straight to: http://www.actionstation.org.nz/nonewcoal and sign and share this campaign
Many people know that Fonterra, and the expansion of the New Zealand dairy industry, have led to massive environmental problems, not least the degradation of water quality and a big increase in agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.
But what's less well known is that Fonterra burns coal to dry milk powder. Their use of coal has expanded 38% since 2008 and they are planning a further major expansion.
So, in partnership with Action Station, Coal Action Network Aotearoa has launched a campaign calling on Fonterra to commit to building no new coal boilers, and then to progressively phase out existing coal boilers. Please add your voice to the campaign by signing this open letter.
I support this campaign. The hypocrisy of Fonterra trading on New Zealand's "clean and green" image, while using the world's dirtiest fuel to power their operations, leaves a bad taste in my mouth - and it's really bad news for the climate. Next time you drink some Fonterra milk, mentally add the taste of coal dust.