28 May 2013
Tuesday Poem: Alice Spider Discovers Surrealism, by Janis Freegard
In the upper reaches of sanity, the snow has begun
to fall. Great white clouds of fluffiness covering the
unimaginable takahe and reaching us in our
tussockland. In a hut on the hill, giant tuatara wrap
themselves in polypropylene and coats made from
plastic recycled in China. The sky has emptied.
Now there is only the soft landing of doves that
have escaped their gilded cages and fluttered
down to earth. Heaven will be like this, thinks
For many years, we have found the knitting of
cave-spiders disturbing, and the complacency of
penguins at the edge of the world has sent us into
a tail-spin. It doesn't have to be this way, no. It
could be lamplight in krill city and thunder in the
ice-rink. Somebody, somewhere is eating a
Too late she wandered into that laboratory,
wishing she had been taller, fitter, better at polo.
Her eyes flashed in the eerie glow of the test-tube.
Dada, she cried. Dada!
Credit note: This poem by Janis Freegard is reproduced by permission of the author. It was first published in AUP New Poets 3 (2008) and subsequently included in Janis' new chapbook, from The Continuing Adventures of Alice Spider (Anomalous Press, 2013): http://www.anomalouspress.org/books/alice.php.
Tim says: The adventures of Janis' poetic alter ego Alice Spider have enlivened many a poetry reading and form the entirety of her new, US-published chapbook. No one selection from this magical mystery tour of Alice and her environs can fully capture Alice's voice and personality, but Alice's well-merited criticism of the complacency of our flippered brethren, and that marvellous final stanza, made "Alice Spider Discovers Surrealism" pop out of the pixellated page for me.
The Tuesday Poem: Springs into action.
21 May 2013
Tuesday Poem: "technical difficulties"
technical difficulties
defeat the blogger:
ten thousand freezing hells!
I had intended to post Janis Freegard's poem "Alice Spider Discovers Surrealism" - from her new chapbook ... from The Continuing Adventures of Alice Spider (Anomalous Press, 2013): http://www.anomalouspress.org/books/alice.php - as my Tuesday Poem this week, but our home internet melted down last night as I was working on the post.
Though order and good government is now restored, it seems unfair to to waste the sweetness of Janis' poem on the evening air, so I shall save it for a more timely post next Tuesday. In its stead, this stanza of frustration.
14 May 2013
A Deadline for Australians, A Convention for All of Us
Editor's note: It's been a while since I posted a Tuesday Poem - now that I blog only once a week, the Tuesday Poem has to compete for space with other posts - but I have neither forgotten nor dropped out: expect a Tuesday Poem here next week. I also have to choose a hub Tuesday poem for the forthcoming week in which I'm the editor!
A reminder to Australian poets and writers: 4 June 2013 is the deadline for submissions to The Stars Like Sand: Australian Speculative Poetry, which P. S. Cottier and I are co-editing. Check out the submission guidelines, and remember: expat Australians, wherever they may live, are welcome and encouraged to submit!
And, whatever your nationality, I recommend checking out Au Contraire 2013, this year's New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention. The previous Au Contraire in 2010 was the best New Zealand NatCon I'd been to in ages - I especially enjoyed the stronger-than-usual focus on writers and writing. I'll be involved in some poetry-related programme items at Au Contraire, and I happen to know that at least three other Tuesday Poets will be involved with aspects of the Convention as well - so anyone with an interest in speculative fiction or poetry should consider coming along.
A reminder to Australian poets and writers: 4 June 2013 is the deadline for submissions to The Stars Like Sand: Australian Speculative Poetry, which P. S. Cottier and I are co-editing. Check out the submission guidelines, and remember: expat Australians, wherever they may live, are welcome and encouraged to submit!
And, whatever your nationality, I recommend checking out Au Contraire 2013, this year's New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention. The previous Au Contraire in 2010 was the best New Zealand NatCon I'd been to in ages - I especially enjoyed the stronger-than-usual focus on writers and writing. I'll be involved in some poetry-related programme items at Au Contraire, and I happen to know that at least three other Tuesday Poets will be involved with aspects of the Convention as well - so anyone with an interest in speculative fiction or poetry should consider coming along.
07 May 2013
My April Book Watch Column For The New Zealand Herald
Here is my second "Book Watch" column from the NZ Herald, published in the Herald on Sunday on 28 April. The first three reviews were used, but one of the advantages of reprinting the column here is that I can include all four!
My first column is also available on Books in the Trees.
Book Watch Column 28 April 2013
Chinaman: The Legend of Pradeep Mathew, by
Shehan Karunatilaka (Vintage, 2012) - see http://www.amazon.com/Chinaman-Shehan-Karunatilaka/dp/0099555689
(US $9.99 Kindle ebook; also available in paperback and hardback)
Amigas, by Elena Bossi and Penelope
Todd, published by Rosa Mira Books (2012) – see http://rosamirabooks.com/books/index.html#Amigas
(US $10.00 ebook)
Enter Night: Metallica: the Biography, by
Mick Wall (Orion, 2011) - see http://www.amazon.com/Enter-Night-A-Biography-Metallica/dp/B007K4FIGA/
(NZ $29.99 paperback)
Names: Poems, by Marilyn Hacker (Norton,
2010) - see http://www.amazon.com/Names-Poems-Marilyn-Hacker/dp/039333967X/
(US $23.95 hardback, 11.66 paperback)
Jones is a Wellington author, poet and editor. His
latest book is poetry collection Men
Briefly Explained. Find out more at http://timjonesbooks.blogspot.co.nz/
My first column is also available on Books in the Trees.
Book Watch Column 28 April 2013

Karunatilaka, who is a guest at the Auckland Writers & Readers Festival
2013, studied at Massey University. Perhaps this is why this entertaining
picaresque about the greatest and least recognized Sri Lankan cricketer,
Pradeep Mathew, a Tamil spinner whose imaginary exploits often echo the real
exploits of Muttiah Muralidaran, is full of references to New Zealand – from
the expected (Hadlee, the Crowes, Dipak Patel) to the less expected (Anchor
Milk). And the denouement of the book takes place in and around Whanganui!
This novel weaves a rich tapestry of cricket, politics, corruption,
the Sri Lankan civil war, and a dogged journalist with a dodgy liver determined
to track his elusive quarry down. Highly recommended.
PS: Shehan Karunatilaka is a guest at this year's Auckland Writers & Readers Festival - something I didn't know when I started writing the review!

Argentine writer Elena Bossi and New Zealand writer Penelope Todd wrote
this bilingual novel (that is to say, the novel exists in complementary but not
identical English- and Spanish-language versions within one ebook) after
meeting at the University of Iowa Writing Programme in 2007 - and it's an
interesting and enjoyable novel, though sad at times. It follows the chance
meeting of two teenage girls, one from New Zealand and one from Argentina, at
Rome Airport in 1969; their developing friendship, in person and then by
letter; and the threat that hangs over that friendship. To say any more would
be to enter spoiler territory – check it out for yourself!

Mick Wall's biography of Metallica is
very strong on their early years as progenitors of thrash metal, and on the
musical and personal significance of bassist Cliff Burton, killed in a bus
crash in 1987. But as the years and the albums go by, the book becomes less and
less informative. There's a lot more to be gleaned about their struggles as
adults from the excellent documentary Some
Kind Of Monster than there is from Enter
Night. All the same, for its eyewitness account of 1980s Metallica, this is
good reading for all Metallica fans.

Marilyn Hacker is a
distinguished American poet whose work I had not previously read. Contrary to
my perception of her as a “difficult” poet, and though many of the poems in
this collection are long, I found them to be moving, engaging, beautifully
written and full of meaning. There is a sureness of voice which I enjoyed, but
without the dogmatism that can be its shadow. These poems were a very pleasant surprise
to me, and are worth the attention of any poetry lover.
03 May 2013
An Interview With Gareth Renowden
Gareth Renowden is a writer, photographer and truffle grower based in the Waipara Valley, north of Christchurch. In nearly 40 years of working with words he's written for and worked on newspapers and magazines in New Zealand, the US and the UK. His small farm is the only property in NZ to produce three species of truffle: the Périgord black, bianchetto and Burgundy truffles he produces are used by New Zealand's finest chefs and restaurants. He's written books on olives, truffles and global warming, and runs the Hot Topic blog covering climate science and policy from an NZ perspective.
Gareth, what led you to make the move from journalism and nonfiction into fiction?
It's not really a move, more a change of the material I'm working with. Journalists talk about working on stories, after all. In anything more than the most basic news reporting -- any kind of longer form writing -- you have to tell a story. You have to lead the reader through a sequence of events, and you have to do it in a way that makes them want to reach the end. There has to be some kind of narrative for them to follow. The big difference, for me, is that when you write fiction you have a much bigger palette to play with. That's exciting and difficult -- and more than a little addictive.
The Aviator was born out of my writing about climate change, and my experience in what passes for debate about the need for action. I wanted to paint a picture of the sort of world we're heading towards, and at the same time examine some of the science and politics that's taking us there. We're on the cusp of remarkable developments in technology and biology, but there's a race going on between mankind's attempts to stuff up the planet and our ability to develop and apply technologies that will fix the problem. I could write lengthy and learned dissertations that no one would read, or I could write a sci-fi book that would entertain and inform, and that no one would read. I chose science fiction because it was more fun, but remain to be proved wrong about its readership... ;-)
Did you have any role models in terms of writing a novel built around the effects of climate change?
As a child of the 50s and 60s in Britain, I grew up reading Dan Dare in The Eagle, and watching scratchy old black and white Doctors doing battle with daleks on cardboard sets. I read Biggles and WE Johns' lesser known sci-fi series (http://www.wejohns.com/SciFi/), graduated to Jules Verne, HG Wells and John Wyndham, and then on to Bradbury, and the great British sci-writers of the 60s -- Aldiss, Moorcock (especially the Jerry Cornelius books), Ballard and so on. Wyndham was certainly influential. His books are sci-fi thrillers -- a sort of prototype for Michael Crichton when he was good -- very much of their time. Aldiss called them "cosy catastrophes", which is very apt. I re-read The Kraken Wakes recently, prompted by this interview (you were wondering why it took so long to reply), and reminded myself why his stories were so memorable.
The Kraken Wakes is more or less a retelling of The War of the Worlds, with aliens arriving from some unspecified planet and setting up camp in the ocean deeps. Havoc ensues, with the last third of the book devoted to the collapse of civilisation as the aliens flood the planet by melting the ice at both poles. To a modern reader, the writing seems a bit stilted, the plot forced by the narrator's need to be at the heart of the action (he's a radio journalist, of course), but it's a wonderful imagining of catastrophic events set in a world emerging from the Second World War and teetering towards the Cold War, where ocean liners plied their trade, the airline industry was just beginning to ramp up, Britain still had delusions of grandeur, and television was something new and hi-tech and used only to try and spot the aliens in the ocean. There was humour in there too -- much play made of the Russian reaction to events, and the vagaries of the British media of the time. Wonderful, in other words.
I first read TKW in 1968, probably around the time that I read Ballard's The Drowned World. The Beatles' White Album would have been the soundtrack. Both books could be described as early climate fiction, but at the time everybody expected an apocalypse to be triggered by all-out nuclear war. The threat of nuclear annihilation was a potent and realistic fear that informed all sorts of creative work in the 50s and 60s - it was the zeitgeist. At the time, nobody would have thought that burning fossil fuels might be the agent of dramatic change or a threat to civilisation. For that you needed aliens or bombs.
In the novel, New Zealand and much of the US are still relatively liveable, despite the drastic effects climate change is having on other parts of the world. Do you expect NZ and the US to be less affected, at least initially, than other countries?
New Zealand, yes, at least at first. But the USA will be vulnerable to rapid change because the whole of the northern hemisphere is going to see changes we can only guess at because of the loss of the Arctic sea ice cover (which will happen before too many more years pass).
Rapid climate change doesn't necessarily mean devastation. It more likely begins with dislocation and attempts at adaptation, which in some places will work, and in others turn out to be impossible. The one thing you can't escape is the rising ocean, so anywhere where there are lots of people living on a big river delta there are going to be problems. There will be forced mass migrations.
With a partial exception in the US scenes, formal Government doesn't play much of a part in the book - in particular, the New Zealand Government seems to have disappeared. Is that partly so you can use the book as a test-bed to see what different social structures might form in such a world, or is it just that you think governments won't survive the effects of climate change?
Governments are mostly shadowy things in The Aviator because that's what they are to most people in everyday life. Lemmy and Kate are trying to lead lives that to them are ordinary, even if they are of necessity extraordinary to us. I suppose I would argue that governments all over The Burning World are being distracted by the need to try and sustain themselves (and perhaps their electorates, or at least supporters) in the face of the immense geopolitical changes driven by rapid climate change. There is still government in NZ -- probably trying to privatise the remaining biofuel plants.
A friend who read and enjoyed The Aviator commented to me that her favourite part of the book was the little section devoted to what became of the climate deniers in this post-climate-change environment. Would I be right in thinking you took particular delight in writing this section?
It's a fair cop. Anyone who follows the online tussling between climate deniers and reality will find much in that section that's familiar. It's the most overtly satirical part of the book, born out of some of the fun I've had with my comic tales of Christopher, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, as seen through the eyes of his manservant, Old Scrotum, the wrinkled retainer (http://hot-topic.co.nz/monckton-and-the-big-waka/ ). I enjoy writing to make people laugh, and it's an important part of what I tried to do in The Aviator. It's a gloomy world, The Burning World, and a certain amount of black humour helps to get you through...
I hope it's not doing you a disservice to say that The Aviator reminded me at times of Kim Stanley Robinson's work - though, curiously, not so much his climate change trilogy as his Mars books. Although KSR is an atypical American science fiction author in many respects, he does share that typical American enthusiasm for large scale techno-fixes. Do you think geoengineering, which plays a part in Kim Stanley Robinson's climate change trilogy, has a part to play in mitigating the effects of climate change - and if so, how does the world prepare for that option?
I consider it an honour to be compared to KSR, for which many thanks. I have read his climate trilogy, and while enjoying them didn't think they worked as effectively as Galileo's Dream or 2312. In the latter, KSR's treatment of a climate changed earth is very interesting -- New York as a new Venice, asteroids hollowed out to create refuges for terran biomes: fascinating stuff.
In The Burning World I have geoengineering being tried and failing, but it plays no part in the storyline. That's something for a later book perhaps. In the real world I think it's almost inevitable that attempts will be made to geoengineer the planet to reduce warming. Two reasons for inevitability: at some point, governments are going to panic when the rapidity of climate change becomes obvious. There will be demands to do something, and - because it will be too late to stop change by reducing emissions - geoengineering will suddenly become attractive. Second: techno fixes are already being suggested as the only feasible response to warming. It's argued that it's too expensive and disruptive to stop burning fossil fuels, so let technology solve the problem. Some methods are in the realm of hard SF - space mirrors or sun shades, for instance - while the more likely (or at least affordable) approach would be to add sulphate aerosols high in the atmosphere. That could be done quite quickly and crudely by adding sulphur to jet fuel.
The problem, of course, is that geoengineering with or without big emissions cuts is making a real Faustian bet with the future of the planet. Suppose we do manage to cap warming by spraying aerosols in the atmosphere, we are then committed to doing it for ever -- unless we are also planning to remove carbon from the atmosphere. If for any reason - like war, or cost cutting - we stop spraying the gunk, then we unleash a burst of rapid warming that would be truly catastrophic. There are also other major difficulties - like the ocean acidifying - that won't go away without carbon removal.
Carbon removal processes are therefore more or less inevitable as well. The world will have to go beyond zero emissions to re-burying some - preferably all - of the fossil carbon dug up over the last 100 years. In The Burning World, it's been tried, but the big methane releases from the Arctic have rendered them redundant.
I understand The Aviator is intended to be the first volume in a trilogy. Can you give us any hints of what's to come in the next volume, and when it might appear - or are you operating a strictly "no spoilers" policy?
I'm sketching out the second and third books at the moment, and plan to get down to writing book two in the second half of this year (there's a revised and updated edition of my 2005 book on truffles to finish first). Given that I'm not yet entirely sure what to put in and what to leave out, and that things will inevitably change in the writing, I'm not going to give too much away. It would be safe to assume that Lemmy's boss, whose disappearance triggers Lemmy's travels, will finally turn up. And Lemmy and Kate will continue to tour the world, visiting some of the regions not featured in The Aviator. There will be mammoths, and a singular surprise at the end.
Book availability details
The Aviator is available as an ebook and paperback, from most major retailers worldwide. More information from the Burning World web site (http://burningworldbooks.wordpress.com/), and Gareth's web site (http://limestonehills.co.nz/books/the-aviator/). From most places in the world, the cheapest way to get the paperback is from the Book Depository in the UK: free delivery and only NZ$18.58. (http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Aviator-Gareth-Renowden/9780987669735/?a_aid=HotTopic) To cut out the middlemen, you can buy the ebook for $6.99 direct from the author... (http://limestonehills.co.nz/books/the-aviator/)
Amazon: ebook: http://amzn.to/Uc6mcx
Paperback: http://amzn.to/PzroAZ
Barnes & Noble: http://http//www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-aviator-gareth-renowden/1113049315?ean=2940044850514
Apple NZ (also available in all Apple iBooks stores): http://itunes.apple.com/nz/book/the-aviator/id557437145
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