
21 December 2010

Tuesday Poem Secret Santa

As things turned out, I didn't wind up with a Secret Santa partner for the Tuesday Poem - but no matter! Check out all the pairs of poets and poems, plus the hub poem by James Brown chosen by Sarah Jane Barnett, on the Tuesday Poem blog.

It's been great to be part of the Tuesday Poem this year - so, big thanks to Mary McCallum for organising it. I'll be back into it next year, until I completely run out of poems...


  1. Tim, you could always post one of your poems--I'll put my hand up for always enjoying them!

  2. I second the vote to post one of your poems. I always love reading them!

  3. Thanks, Helen and Elizabeth. I did think about that, but not posting one today gives me one more to post next year (not that I'll just be posting my own of course), and besides, doing that would make me feel like that boy at school who was always last to be picked when the class was split into pairs, and ended up all on his lonesome :-(.

    As for the idea of writing some *new* poems - well, there's no telling where that sort of thing would end.

  4. Dear Tim - What a shame you slipped through - not fair especially as you've been so generous to other poets throughout the year - with the poems and interviews you post, Thank you for all that effort and the valiant way you get the Tuesday Poem name out there.

  5. Thanks, Mary. And, to be fair, if I'd got onto this earlier, I probably could have organised a replacement - indeed, I got a couple of nice offers of poems on the day itself.

    So, like Prince Valiant, I shall ride boldly on into 2011!

  6. Happy holidays, Tim. I know what you mean about 'running out of poems.' Next year, I'm going to be linking to poems already online on other sites--so they will be less worries about copyright and asking poets for permission (not all of them reply). I'm also going to be publishing some old poems we all can post without copyright woes. That's my solution! Have a great new year.

  7. Thanks, Harvey, and those are good suggestions. I expect I'll be posting fewer of my own poems, and more of other people's, next year - and I do plan to post more of those Esenin translations I've done, too.
