
21 July 2009

Lovelace and Babbage vs The Economy

I had no intention of posting tonight, but this, from artist Sydney Padua, is so brilliant - and so timely - I could not resist.

Lovelace and Babbage vs The Economy: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.

You can read Lovelace's origin story (which has slightly more relationship to consensus reality) as well.

Literature, mathematics, computing, Byron. What more could you want? (But if you do want more Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace and George Gordon, Lord Byron, check out Lord Byron's Novel: The Evening Land by the brilliant John Crowley.)


  1. Oh my gosh - it's brilliant.

    P.S. Funny you should mention LBN - I just started it a few days ago. (After allowing Engine Summer to sink in ... now my 2nd favourite JC after Little, Big!)

  2. Thanks, Johanna. (BTW, I should have said that I first found out about Lovelace and Babbage via io9.)

    I should try Engine Summer again - I couldn't get into it the first time, but then it took me two attempts to get into Little, Big, and now I love that book. My other favourite John Crowley novels are The Translator, and the Aegypt novels.

    What amazingly talented people we share this world with!
